I feel like I have been in an absolute blur the last couple of weeks since I was given my diagnosis of cervical cancer. I have almost been numb to a lot of things that have been going on. I hate to say that, but my mind just hasn’t really been able to deal with all that has come since I went to the doctor.
After my diagnosis, I went the next week and had a PET scan. What that does is use a radioactive substance to go throughout your body and any cancerous place overly reacts to this substance. The scan then looks to see where there might be cancer. We waited again to get the results from that before my doctor would give us our plan of action.
The waiting has been the hardest thing to do. Ok, now that I know what is in me, I want to get it out as quickly as possible. It is what caused the most stress and we had to literally put our lives on hold in a way until the doctor told us what all was going on and what was next.
We finally heard back a few days after the scan that it didn’t look like the cancer had spread. That was good news in all this whirlwind of bad news. We met with the doctor the Thursday of that week to hear the results for sure and find out what was next. After waiting 3 1/2 hours at our appointment, we made the time with the doctor as quick as possible. She didn’t want to have to do chemo or radiation if it was necessary so we decided to go with surgery.
I was going to be having a radical hysterectomy, meaning all of my girly insides that help make babies were going to be taken out as well as some lymph nodes in the area. Since I have had as many kids that I want, it made the idea of surgery easy. I was given the choice of whether or not to keep my ovaries since I am still fairly young, but there could possibly be complications if I ever had to have them removed later. We decided to go ahead and take my ovaries so that I just wouldn’t have that worry that anything was left over. This did mean that I would go into instant menopause, but I was ok with it.
It was another weekend of the waiting game as we waited for them to schedule surgery. We got a call early on Monday that surgery would be on Wednesday. I had to head down to the hospital that day for Pre-Op stuff. My head was in a spin for sure.
The next day was spend cleaning, getting my house and things with the kids in order, packing for the hospital and oh a lovely cleanse to prep my body for surgery.
I am going to stop for now and continue the journey in my next post. Surgery and recovery.
Check out Not the “C” Word to see the start of this journey.
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